Thursday, July 3, 2008

Travel to South Dakota

This would be our longest trip to date in the truck and boy..... We managed to get to the campground in some 11-12 hours. We enjoyed seeing the plains and hills and wonder how people ever managed to get across this great land without cars/planes. As my good friend Greg once said, we would make lousy pioneers. What would we do without DVD's, DS's, and Ipods?

On another note...ever wonder why they put the men's restroom so far away at rest stops?

When we arrived at the campground, I was glad to hear we had a pull-through. When we got close, I decided to I couldn't make the turn from the road we were on. I wrapped around the road...pulled in without hitting anything and felt quite proud. Then I realized that the hook-ups were on the other side of my trailer. I was too tired to fix it, so we decided we could live with hoses coming under our trailer. Besides, we had a big day ahead of us at Rushmore.


polkadot said...

what r u guys looking @?

polkadot said...

i miss u guys so much email me

flames girls said...

everyone misses you