Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, we made it! Our last night in the trailer for three weeks was spent at another Jellystone Park. This was very different from the first and we were glad to be staying only one night.

We left Sturbridge Massachusetts and travelled through Mass and New Hampshire and finally to Maine. The traffic in the last part of Mass and all of NH was horrible! We have now paid over $100 in tolls.

It was great doing the countdown crossing the line into Maine. Seeing Dave's face and listening to him tell the kids stories of travelling to Maine when he was a kid was priceless. It was so great we did it twice! Right after we crossed the state line, someone had to use the bathroom. We took the first exit that said "truckstop". Well, there was no truck stop and no place to turn around so we had to go back into New Hampshire to get back on I-95. I think I was way more amused than Dave, who was driving.

We are so happy to be here spending time with family. Yesterday was Dave's mom's (Lee) birthday. We had her and her brother Rufus and his wife Martha over for dinner. The lake was beautiful!

Trevor caught the first fish, and 18 inch Pickeral! (pictures will be posted later). We are enjoying relaxing, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, skiiing, tubing, and of course sleeping in real beds and taking non-camp showers!

All for now.


flames girls said...

you r in maine that is awsome have fun be safe

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an adventure. Can't wait to see pictures of Trevor's trophy. He's a really good fisherman so Im sure you will be busy posting many other pictures.

BRiLL said...

Being in Maine is such a blessing this time of year. I grew up and spent my life in Portland, Maine and the surrounding areas. The coastal regions, the fresh of the salty air, the chowder, the people the laid back life.

When I get tired of the heat/humididity I think of all my family that still resides there and my mind wanders to the corner of my childhood.

Enjoy the slice of life that you and your family are experiencing right now, its priceless. Before you depart, you have to swing by some local store; ask for an Amato's Italian sandwich. Its a classic, can't get one anywhere else in the world.

Yummy, "The Taste's of Maine."It will bring you back again, and again, and again.

Keep a camera always handy, you'll come in contact with deer, moose, and beautiful birds.

Rowena in Houston.