Sunday, June 29, 2008


Suzi said, "This is just how I dreamed our trip would be". That is so cool to hear and I couldn't agree more. Seeing the Corvette's come up from behind and I yell, "Check it out". The kids immediately bust out their journals. Then when we get to the rest stop, I pull into the big rig area. As we head to the restroom, the Corvettes appear like a mirage. The group was great, letting us sit in their cars and showing us the engines.

Then came the Nevada desert. I was reminded of that scene in Cars, where the truck goes on the nod. I almost got stuck/hit a gas island and then we nearly got stuck on a dead-end-road when we "trusted" our GPS (rather than the directions that were given to us). Want to see me get frustrated? Just place me in a tight spot with a 29 foot trailer and an F350! I need to trust in God more and me less.

We visited the Ellis family while we were here, went swimming, and then big Daddy crashed.

Praying for more of God in our lives and less of us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i miss u guys so much but i can tell ur having fun btw have courtney email me when she gets the chance stay in touch ... dont grow 2 much while ur gone
